The name is derived from Zulu origin simply meaning to “Value or Love Yourself”. Developing strong & trustworthy relationships with our clients has proven to be a winning formula in maintaining our contracts, but also in receiving referrals from our existing clients and thus expanding our footprint in KZN.
Cleaning, Hygiene and Pest Control have also been services associated under one umbrella. Combined, they take care of the appearance of the building; offers hygienic systems for staff and patrons the using the washrooms, and finally integrated pest management systems to protect the building from unwanted pests and damage. Instead of the previous “Outsourcing” of these services, having these services under one banner has managed us to keep costs so affordable, that micro businesses are able to enjoy proper hygiene.
To develop long lasting partnerships with our clients by tailor-making solutions for their specific requirements
To provide the right climate that will attract and retain people of high calibre for quality service delivery
To eventually to become a national service provider offering our complete range of services in all SA provinces